Eline McGeorge

Eline McGeorge (b. 1970) is an Oslo based artist, and holds a Master of Fine Art from Goldsmiths, University of London, 2000. She is repre­sented by the galleries Hollybush Gardens, London since 2005 and Femtensesse, Oslo since 2024. Her practice approaches complex and urgent con­tem­porary topics through material explo­ra­tions. Influenced by science fiction, feminist and intersectional lega­cies and histories of self-organisation, she is concerned with questions surroun­ding demo­cratic processes and the environ­ment. McGeorge explores these topics through a variety of media, ranging from low-tech, imp­ro­vised craft techniques to digital media, from abs­tract to directly referential or docu­men­tary methods, as well through text and pub­li­cations.

Designer Åbäke
