Sara Manente


230 kr

ROT is the catalogue for a community of practices.
ROT is a medicine and a ritual. The prescription for a new therapy.
ROT is a manual without instructions. A map. A party.
ROT touches upon sci-fi doomed scenarios.
ROT works within the ruins of the future.
ROT engages in weird beautification processes.
ROT uses mushrooming as a research method.
ROT hosts essays, stories, poetry, interviews, visuals, recipes, horoscopes and more.
ROT is mouldy.
ROT is glossy and asks to be touched.

Sara Manente is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher who promotes collaborative situations in heterogeneous formats. Drawing on the imagery and matter of living cultures and mycelium brought into relation with live arts, her recent projects reflect on the possibility of contamination between pedagogy, research, performance and publication.

Published by Varamo Press
First edition August 2023
136 pages, 22 x 30 cm, perfect binding
ISBN 978-82-693189-2-0
Graphic design by Deborah Robbiano

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Om utgiveren:


Varamo Press er et kunstnerdrevet, uavhengig forlag grunnlagt i 2018 av Mette Edvardsen og Jeroen Peeters. Forlaget henter navnet sitt fra César Airas karakter Varamo, en kontorist hvis tilfeldige møte med en trio av utgivere i en bar inspirerer til et usannsynlig samarbeid som gir et mesterverk av eksperimentell litteratur.

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