«Your lips are wet with venom» by Vicente Mollestad reflects on love, intimacy and sex as something inseparable from politics, history, capitalism, class, assimilation, power, colonialism. Dehumanization. Racialisation. Etc. This book was produced as part of «(be)longing», a one year-long publication and exhibition program at House of Foundation in Moss.
«These reflections are presented in the form of song lyrics in varying styles, tone and genre, and are to be considered free to be used by the reader, myself or other artists alike in/for music making. The work deals/spawns from experiences and (thoughts/meditation) on growing/dating up as a indigenous person of color in a (white) European country. (and) Then going back to my country of birth/origin. As a consequence, love has been a difficult, growing concern to the point where it’s really (consuming) entangled with the world at large, political views and affiliations, and more difficult the more I think about it.» – Vicente Mollestad
A4, 16 pages, staple bound, first edition of 100, 2023