Jelsen Lee Innocent

å falle mellom to stoler

150 kr

«å falle mellom to stoler» by Jelsen Lee Innocent is a project that encourages a discourse that surpasses the aesthetic of ethnic integration as proof of racial progress in Norway. In this publication, Innocent has centered a diversity of African Norwegian voices, seeking to engage within realities too often dismissed or unconsidered while navigating mainstream Norwegian society. This work is intended to both instigate and contribute new and direct critical language, constructive political expression and empathic debate within the African Norwegian community. This book was produced as part of «(be)longing», a one year-long publication and exhibition program at House of Foundation in Moss.

150 x 200mm, 64 pages, bound with metal fasteners, first edition of 100, 2023


Jelsen Lee Innocent

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Om utgiveren:


Hverdag Books (est. 2016) is a small publisher run by the artist and curator Jessica Williams.

Hverdag publishes unique and experimental editions for and about the everyday. The imprint is dedicated to publishing fragile, vulnerable, and raw works by underrepresented voices. Based in Moss, Hverdag has given many risograph and self-publishing workshops all over Eastern Norway.

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